The Vedic Civilization BOSEM Class 6 Social Science

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Chapter Name: The Vedic Civilization BOSEM Class 6 Social Science
Subject: Social Science
Lesson: 11
Class: 6
Board: Board Of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM/BSEM)
Contents: Chapter, Questions and Answers, Important points to Remember.

The Chapter: The Vedic Civilization

Vedic Age

Around 1500 B.C. a group of people from Central Asia settled on the plains of northern India. This group of people was known as the Aryans. The Aryans developed a Vedic culture based on the Vedas.

The Vedic period is broadly classified into two groups — the Early Vedic Period (1500 BC to 1000 BC) and the Later Vedic Period (1000 BC to 600 BC). The two Vedic periods can be known by their differences in their places of settlement, polity, socio-economic and religious activities.

In the Early Vedic Period (1500 BC to 1000 BC), the Aryans first settled in the northern part of India. In the Later Vedic Period (1500 BC to 1000 BC), the Aryans settlement gradually spread to Indo-Gangetic plains. The Aryans, however, were the first people in India to know the use of iron and brought horses along with them.

Vedic Literature

In the Vedic Period, four Samhitas were written— Rig Veda Samhita, Sama Veda Samhita, Yajur Veda Samhita, and Sama Veda Samhita. The first one was written in the Early Vedic Period.


The administrative machinery of the Aryans in the Rig Vedic period worked with the tribal chief in the centre. He was called Rajan. The chief was the protector of the tribe or Jana. He protected its cattle, fought its wars, and offered prayers to gods on its behalf.

The Rig Veda mentions several tribal assemblies. They were Sabha, Samiti, Vidhata and Gana. In the day-to-day administration, the king was assisted by a few functionaries. The two most important assemblies of the Rig Vedic Period were the Sabha and Samiti. Women attended Sabha and Vidhata in Rig Vedic times. In the Later Vedic Period, tribal authority tended to become territorial. The term rashtra, which indicates territory, first appears in this period. The formation of wider kingdoms made the king more powerful. The king performed many sacrifices.

In later Vedic times, the vidatha completely disappeared. Women were no longer permitted to sit in the sabha and, nobles and Brahmanas now dominated it.

Social Life of the Vedic Period

Distinction in Man to Man

In the Early Vedic Period, the tribal society was divided into three groups-warriors, priests, and the people. The fourth division called the Shudras appeared towards the end of the Rig Vedic period.

The Later Vedic society was divided into four varnas called Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, vaishyas, and Shudras. Each varna was assigned its duty.

The Brahmanas occupied the highest position in the society. They were expected to study and teach the Vedas, perform Yajnas, and receive gifts.

The Kshatriyas came next to the Brahmanas in the social hierarchy. They were expected to be warriors and to protect the people.

The third position was occupied by the Vaishyas. They were expected to be farmers, herders, and traders.

At the bottom of the hierarchy lay the Shudras. Their task was to serve the first three varnas. They could not perform any rituals. They were also deprived of the sacred thread ceremony (upanaya) granted to the higher three Varnas.

Economic Activity


How do farmers cultivate their fields?

What is the importance of drains and rivers near the paddy field?

The people of the Early Vedic Period were mainly pastoral. Agriculture was practised to a limited extent. Bulls were used to plough the field. Canals were used to Irrigate the field. Wheat was the main staple diet. They also grew barley, beans, sesamum, and cotton.

In the Later Vedic period, agriculture became their main occupation. Rice was also cultivated extensively.

Animal Rearing

The main occupation of the Early Vedic Period was cattle breeding. The term for war in the Rig Veda is gavisthi or ‘search for cows’. Apart from cattle they also domesticated horses, sheep, goats, dogs, and ass for different purposes. Animal rearing also continued in the Later Vedic Period. However, the primary economic importance was shifted to agriculture.


The Rig Veda mentions artisans like the carpenter, the chariot-maker, the weaver, the leather worker, the potter, etc. This indicates that they practised all these crafts. They also knew various metals like gold, tin, copper, bronze, lead, silver and iron.

Metal Known To Rig Vedic People

In the later Vedic period many new occupations were developed. Some of them were chariot makers, dyers, washermen, hide-dressers, bows and arrows makers, basket makers, etc. The use of iron became common towards the end of the later Vedic period.

Rig Vedic Gods

The religion of the Early Vedic Period was simple. They worshipped the forces of nature in the form of gods and goddesses. Indra was their most important god. The other important gods worshipped were Agni, Varun, Soma, Yama, etc. The female deities worshipped by them were Usha, Savitri, etc. They also worshipped trees, particularly the Peepal tree. They prayed and offered simple sacrifices to the gods seeking favours or boons.

SomaIntoxicant Drinks

In the Later Vedic period, Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra emerged as the three important gods. Important female deities during the Later Vedic Age were Usha, Prithvi, Aryani, and Saraswati.

Prayers no longer remain the dominant mode of placating the gods. Sacrifices became far more important and they assumed both public and domestic character.

Important Points To Remember

👉 The Aryans developed a Vedic Culture based on the Vedas.

👉 The Vedic period is broadly classified into two groups — the Early Vedic Period (1500 BC to 1000 BC) and the Later Vedic Period (1000 BC to BC)

👉 The Aryans were the first people in India to know the use of iron and brought horses along with them.

👉 In the Vedic Period, four Samhitas were written, they are Rig Veda Samhita, Sama Veda Samhita, Yajur Veda Samhita, and Athar Veda Samhita.

👉 The administration of the Aryans in the Rig Veda Period was done by the tribal chief in the center. He was called ‘Rajan’.

👉 The Rig Veda had several tribal assemblies; they were Sabha, Samiti, Vidhata, and Gana.

👉 Women attended Sabha and Vidhata in Rig Vedic times. The word rastra’, which indicates territory, was first in this period.

👉 In the Early Vedic Period, the tribal society was divided into three groups — warriors, priests, and the people.

👉 The later Vedic society came to be divided into four varnas called the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

👉 The main occupation of the Early Vedic Period was cattle breeding.

👉 They knew various metals like gold, tin, copper, bronze, lead, silver, and iron.

👉 The Vedic people worshipped the forces of nature in the form of gods and goddesses.

Questions and Answers

Q1. Name the first metal to be used by the Indus people.

Ans: Copper

Q2. What is the Chalcolithic period also known as?

Ans: Copper-Bronze Age or Stone-Copper Age.

Q3. Name the hill on the height of which the Shiroi Lily rows.

Ans: Shiroi Hill

Q4. Write about the lifestyle of the Chalcolithic people.

Ans: The main occupation of the Early Vedic Period was cattle breeding. They reared animals like sheep, goats, etc. Later these animals were killed for food. People in the Chalcolithic age were the first to use painted pottery. These people used tiny tools and weapons made of stone and metals. The religion of the Early Vedic Period was simple. They worshipped the forces of nature in the form of gods and goddesses.

Q5. Write about the agricultural activity of the early Vedic period

Ans: The people of the Early Vedic Period were mainly pastoral. Agriculture was practiced to a limited extent. Bulls were used to plough the field. Canals were used to irrigate the field. Wheat was the main staple diet. They also grew barley, beans, sesamum, and cotton.

Q6. Write about the social life of the Vedic period.

Ans: In the Early Vedic Period the tribal society was divided into three groups — warriors, priests, and people. The fourth division Called the Shudras appeared towards the end of the Rig Vedic Period. The Later Vedic society came to be divided into four varnas called the Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Each Varna was assigned its duty.

Choose the correct answer

Which of the following is not a Rig Vedic God?

a) Indra

b) Agni

c) Varun

d) Brahma

Ans: Brahma

Fill in the blanks

  1. The age of the Aryan in India is also known as the Vedic Civilization
  2. The main occupation of the early Vedic period was cattle breeding.

Extra Questions and answers

Q1. Who were the Aryans?

Ans: Around BC a group Of people from Central Asia settled on the plains Of northern India. This group of people was known as the Aryans.

Q2. Who developed Vedic culture based on Vedas?

Ans: The Aryans developed Vedic culture based on Vedas.

Q3. Write the four Samhitas that had been Written during the Vedic period.

Ans: The four Samhitas that were written during the Vedic period were Rig Veda Samhita. Sama Veda Samhita. Yajur Veda Samhita and Athar Veda Samhita.

Q4. How can the two Vedic periods be known?

Ans: The two Vedic can be known by their differences in their place of settlement, polity, socio-economic and religious activities.

Q5. Name the four tribal assemblies.

Ans: The four tribal assemblies were Sabha, Samiti, Vidhata and Gana.

Q6. What were the two most important assemblies?

Ans: The two most important assemblies were the Sabha and Samiti.

Q7. Name the two assemblies where women could attend.

Ans: Sabha and Vidhata.

Q8. Who were the first people in India to know the use of iron?

Ans: The Aryans were the first people in India to know the use of iron.

Q9. What did the Aryans bring along with them?

Ans: The Aryans brought horses along with them.

Q10. Who was called ‘Rajan”?

Ans: The administrative machinery of the Aryans in the Rig Vedic Period worked with the tribal chief in the centre. He was called ‘Rajan’.

Q11. What was the main occupation of the Early Vedic period?

Ans: The main occupation of the Early Vedic Period was cattle breeding.

Q12. What does the term ‘Rashtra’ indicate?

Ans: The term ‘Rashtra’ indicates territory.

Q13. Write the most important god of the Early Vedic Period.

Ans: Indra was the most important god of the Early Vedic Period.

Q14. Name the three important gods that emerged in the Later Vedic Period.

Ans: The three important gods were Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra who emerged in the Later Vedic Period.

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