Man’s Journey Through Time Class 7 English Solutions

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Chapter Name: Man’s Journey through Time
Subject: Modern English
Lesson: 16
Class: 7
Board: Board Of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM/BSEM)
Contents: Summary, Questions and Answers, Vocabulary.

Man’s Journey Through Time: Summary

Man’s Journey Through Time tells us about how life has evolved. Scientists know about the progress of life through fossils. Humans evolved from apes.

An important stage in the process of evolution was the Homo habilis. At this stage, humans ate uncooked food because they didn’t know how to use fire. They hunted in groups using stone tools.

The next stage was Homo erectus. At this stage, humans could stand and walk upright. They knew how to use fire. Homo erectus developed into modern humans called Homo sapiens. One group of Homo sapiens, called Neanderthals, lived in Europe and Western Asia.

Neanderthals became extinct, and a new group called Cro-Magnons evolved. They are believed to be the direct ancestors of modern humans. These people hunted wild animals with their friends, ate meat, and used animal hides to make their clothes. They lived in caves and knew how to use fire. They gradually left the caves and lived in open areas. They learned about farming and writing, which led to civilization.

FossilsRemains or traces of ancient living things, like bones or imprints.
EvolveGradually developed over a long period.
Homo habilis An early human species known for using simple tools.
Homo erectusAn early human species that could stand and walk upright.
Homo sapiens  The species name for modern humans.
Neanderthals An extinct group of humans who lived in Europe and Western Asia.
Cro-Magnons Early humans who are considered the ancestors of modern humans.
Extinct No longer existing.
Civilization Advanced human society with developed forms of government and culture.

BOSEM solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 17: Man’s Journey through Time

Answer the following questions in a sentence each.

i. How did life probably begin?

Ans: Life probably began as a tiny mass of jelly-like protoplasm.

ii. What is the mysterious force that life has in it?

Ans: The mysterious force that life has in it is called ‘evolution.’

iii. What helps the scientists in their study of the progress of life forms?

Ans: The study of fossils helps scientists understand the progress of life forms.

iv. Who are the closest relatives of humans?

Ans: Monkeys and apes are the closest relatives of humans.

v. Did Homo habilis know how to use fire?

Ans: No, Homo habilis did not know how to use fire.

vi. How are Homo erectus different from other apes

Ans: Homo erectus could stand and walk upright, unlike other apes.

vii. Where did Neanderthals live?

Ans: Neanderthals lived in Europe and Western Asia.

viii. Who are the direct ancestors of modern humans?

Ans: Cro-Magnon people are the direct ancestors of modern humans.

ix. What were the daily activities of Cro-Magnon people?

Ans: The daily activities of Cro-Magnon people included hunting wild animals with friends, making tools, and drawing on the roofs and walls of their caves.

x. What kind of clothes did Cro-Magnon people wear?

Ans: Cro-Magnon people wore clothes made of reindeer hides.

xi. What does Mr. Magnon love to do in the afternoon?

Ans: Mr. Magnon loves to draw pictures of wild animals on the roof and walls of his cave in the afternoon.

xii. Why does Mr. Magnon love to live in a cave?

Ans: Mr. Magnon loves to live in a cave because he can paint pictures on the walls and the roof.

Answer the following questions in about 20-25 words each

Q1. What does the study of fossils tell scientists?

Ans: The study of fossils tells scientists that fish developed in the water. These fish evolved into amphibians, which then evolved into reptiles, and reptiles evolved into birds and other animals.

Q2. What happened to some apes 6-14 million years ago?

Ans: About 6-14 million years ago, some apes preferred to live on land instead of in trees as they usually did. These apes were the earliest ancestors of humans.

Q3. How did Homo habilis eat their food?

Ans: Homo habilis hunted animals like boars and ate them uncooked because they did not know how to use fire.

Q4. How can scientists learn about the Cro-Magnon people?

Ans: Scientists can learn about the Cro-Magnon people through the study of their skeletal remains found in Europe.

Q5. How was hunting useful to Mr. Magnon and his people?

Ans: Hunting was useful to Mr. Magnon and his people because they used the meat for food and the animal hides for making their clothes.

Q6. Why did Mr Magnon take a new spearhead?

Ans: Mr. Magnon took a new spearhead because the old one had become almost useless. He nearly finished making a new one in a day or two, which would be ready to replace the old one.

Q7. How are the walls of Mr. Magnon’s cave?

Ans: The walls of Mr. Magnon’s cave are filled with paintings he drew. He paints animals that he hunted earlier.

Q8. Describe two important activities of human beings that finally led to civilization.

Ans: The two important activities of human beings that finally led to civilization were agriculture and writing. Humans learned about agriculture around 11,000 years ago in the Middle East. Several thousand years later, around 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians learned about writing.

Answer the following questions in about 50-60 words.

Q1. Give a description of the life of Homo habilis.

Ans: The Homo habilis stage was an important stage in the evolution of humans. They hunted wild animals in groups using stone tools and ate the meat uncooked because they did not know how to use fire. They had a more developed brain than other apes.

Q2. Narrate the pattern of life of Homo erectus.

Ans: Homo erectus could stand and walk upright, which other apes could not do. They learned how to use fire. They initially lived in Africa but gradually migrated to other parts of the world. Homo erectus eventually developed into modern humans called Homo sapiens.

Q3. Describe a typical day in the life of Mr. Magnon.

Ans: On a typical day, Mr. Magnon hunts wild animals with his friends using stone spearheads. He eats the meat of the animals and uses their hides to make clothes. When his old spearhead becomes useless, he makes a new one. In the afternoon, he draws pictures of wild animals he has hunted on the roof and walls of his cave.

Q4. Describe the evolution of men to the stage of civilization from that of the Cro-Magnon men.

Ans: The evolution of humans to the stage of civilization went through several important stages:

Homo habilis: This was an important stage in the process of evolution. Homo habilis ate uncooked food because they didn’t know how to use fire. They hunted in groups using stone tools.

Homo erectus: The next stage of development was Homo erectus. At this stage, humans could stand and walk upright, unlike other apes. They also knew how to use fire.

Homo sapiens: Homo erectus eventually developed into modern humans called Homo sapiens. They became extinct, but another group called the Neanderthals evolved.

Neanderthals: Neanderthals lived in Europe and Western Asia. They eventually became extinct, paving the way for the Cro-Magnons.

Cro-Magnons: The Cro-Magnons evolved next. According to scientists, they are the direct ancestors of modern humans. Cro-Magnons lived in caves, hunted wild animals, used animal hides for clothing, and created cave paintings.

Rewrite the different stages of man’s evolution in the correct order.


  1. Protoplasm
  2. Homo Habilis
  3. Homo Erectus
  4. Homo Sapiens
  5. Neanderthal
  6. Cro-Magnon
  7. Modern Man

Match the following phrase to make a complete sentence.

Evolution means ability of lifeto grow from the simpler form to the more complicated ones
Men appeared on this earthmuch later than many other animals.
The Homo Habilishad brains more developed than other apes.
The Homo Erectuslearnt the use of fire.
The Neanderthalslived only about 50,000 years ago.

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