Chapter Name: I Am The Tree
Subject: Modern English
Lesson: 3
Class: 8
Board: Board Of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM/BSEM)
Contents: About the poet, Summary, Questions and Answers.
Table of Contents
About the poet
I Am The Tree Class 8 English Solution BOSEM
Dennis Brutus (28 November 1924 to 27 December 2009) was a world-renowned South African poet, scholar and activist. He was one of the leading opponents of apartheid, the official policy of strict racial segregation and discrimination. His first collection of poetry “Sirens, Knuckles and Boots” (1963) was published in Nigeria while he was in prison. Is other notable works being” Salutes and Censures”, China Poems etc.
The poem “I am the Tree” is a beautiful heart-rendering poem by Dennis Brutus. It is autobiographical in nature and echoes his sorrowful feelings and protests against the colour discrimination known as apartheid in South Africa.
The poem reflects the agony of a coloured man who craves acceptance in the society that prevails in the country. He compares his difficult situation to a tree which left out in the dark night and creaking painfully in the cold.
In the second stanza, he compares himself to a sheet of a twisted tin shack which has been so mercilessly twisted by the chilly wind making harsh unpleasant sounds. He expresses grief and is in a mournful protest.
The poet in the end compares himself to a voice crying in the night. He concludes that his cry will continue forever as he will never attain justice. He will forever remain inconsolable.
BOSEM solutions for the chapter I Am The Tree Class 8 English
Answer the following question
Q1. What does the poet compare himself to?
Ans: The poet compares himself to a tree.
Q2. How does the tree behave?
Ans: The tree Makes harsh unpleasant sounds in the wind.
Q3. How does the twisted tin shack behave?
Ans: The twisted tin shack makes harsh unpleasant sounds in the wind.
Q4. Why does the poet protest?
Ans: The poet is in terrible agony and he compares his situation to a sheet of a twisted tin shack which has been so mercilessly twisted by the chilly wind. Thus, he is in a mournful protest.
Q5. Why will not the poet be consoled?
Ans: The poet states that his painful cry will continue forever as he will never attain justice. He will forever remain inconsolable.
Q6. What is the mood presented in the poem?
Ans: The mood presented in the poem is pensive and sad. The poem reflects the agony of a coloured man who craved acceptance in the society that prevails in the country.
Q7. What are the images that the poet used to express his feelings?
Ans: The words cracking, twisted, stubborn, grating, protest, and crying are the images that the poet has used to express his feelings.
Q8. What does the poet mean by “twisted and stubborn”?
Ans: The poet compares his difficult situation to a tree which is left out in the dark night and creaking painfully in the cold. The phrase “twisted and stubborn” shows the poet’s determination to protest until justice is restored for millions of sad hearts who are victims of apartheid.
Q9. Explain the meaning of the following lines:
I am the voice
crying in the night
that cries endlessly
and will not be consoled.
Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem “I am the Tree” composed by Denis Brutus. Here the poet compares himself to a voice crying in the night. His cry will continue forever as he will never attain justice. He will forever remain inconsolable.