Gold Class 7 English Solutions BOSEM

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Chapter Name: GOLD (Poem)

Subject: Modern English

Lesson: 5

Class: 7

Board: Board Of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM/BSEM)

Contents: The Substance of the poem, Questions and Answers

The substance of the Poem

“Gold” is a very short and beautiful poem by Thomas Hood. This poem describes the value and importance of gold. It is so expensive that people cannot get it in plenty, but rich people possess a large quantity of gold. It is bright and yellow, hard and cold. Though it is hard, it can be melted down by heating, and the skilful goldsmith makes different designs from it. People borrow, barter, buy, and sell gold. It can be stolen because of its high value. It is precious in terms of its usage. However, young people often do not fully understand its value and may reject it.

In contrast, older people know its value and usefulness; they adorn themselves with it and keep it close fondly. In times of need, gold can be used to save lives and fulfil human necessities. Therefore, gold is of great value, and people are fascinated by it because it can be used in different ways.

BSEM Solutions for Class 7 Modern English

Answer the following question

Q1. Describe mankind’s fascination with gold.

Ans: Gold is a very precious thing. It is of great value and enhances life. We cannot easily get it because it is very expensive. Gold is extracted from the gold mines and it is a tough job. It can make a man wealthy. Many beautiful ornaments are made of gold. It can be bought, sold, bartered and borrowed. So, mankind fascinates gold.

Q2. Describe the external qualities of gold.

Ans: The external qualities of gold can be better described as it is bright and yellow, hard and cold. It is adorned by people with pride as it enhances one’s life. But, not everyone can own gold in large quantities because it is very costly. Rich people possessed in large quantities. Gold can be bought, sold, borrowed and bartered. It can save lives and ruin lives.

Q3. How does the poet say that the gold is expensive and valuable?

Ans: Gold is expensive and valuable because it is not easily owned by anyone in large amounts. Few people owned it which made them wealthy. It can be made into many precious beautiful ornaments. It can be used in different ways. That is why, the poet says that gold is expensive and valuable.

Q4. Which words in the poem tell us that some people buy and keep gold for the sake of possessing it?

Ans: The word like. “Hoarded”, and “hugged” in the poem tell us that some people buy and keep gold for the sake of possessing it.

Q5. The poet says that young people do not care for gold. Why is this so?

Ans: Younger people do not care for gold because they do not actually know its value and usefulness. They think there are many other valuable things than gold.

Q6. The poet also says that old people value gold very much. Can you say so?

Ans: Yes, the old people value gold very much more than the younger people because they know its value and usefulness and that they keep it close and safe till their times of death.

Q7. What do people do with the gold?

Ans: People use gold in different ways. Gold can be made into many beautiful ornaments. It can be bartered, bought, sold, or borrowed and it can be used in times of necessity to save lives.

Q8. Explain the meaning of the following lines.

“spurned by young, but hugged by the old.
To the very edge of the churchyard mould.”

Ans: These lines are taken out from the poem “Gold” written by Thomas Hood. In these lines, the poet expresses the idea that the younger people do not know the value of gold that they reject it and take other things more valuable than gold. While the other people know its value and usefulness that they keep it very fondly till the time of death.

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