Family and Home Class 6 English Solutions

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Explore comprehensive Class 6 English solutions for the chapter ‘Family and Home.’ Find detailed questions and answers tailored to the BOSEM curriculum, designed to enhance your understanding of family values and home life

Family and Home: Summary

This chapter “Family and Home” portrays a typical ordinary family through Bembem’s family. her parents earn for them and also look after them strictly. Her affectionate grandparents help to nurture the young minds of their grandchildren by telling stories to them. They also teach them to cultivate good habits like waking up early and going for morning walks. Their love, affection and cooperation make their home very cosy, comfortable and secure.

Family and home questions and answers

Q1. Who studies in the sixth standard?

Ans: Bembem studies in the sixth standard.

Q2. Who studies in the fourth standard?

Ans: Naobi studies in the fourth standard.

Q3. Who is the youngest in the family?

Ans: Naoba is the youngest in the family.

Q4. Who always tells stories to the children?

Ans: Their grandparents, Tomba and Sana tell stories to them.

Q5. Name the folk-tale told by the grandmother.

Ans: Kabui Keioiba

Q6. What is the name of the deity the family prays to?

Ans: Sanamahi is the name of the deity the family prays to.

Q1. What do Bembem’s father and mother do?

Ans: Bembem”s father is an officer who works for the promotion of handloom and handicrafts in Manipur and her mother teaches in a high school.

Q2. What is a home?

Ans: A home is the combination of the family and the house. This is where the family finds love, love, cosiness and security.

Q1. Describe Bembem’s family.

Ans: Bembem’s family is a happy family of seven members living in Uripok. Naobi is her younger sister and her brother Naoba is the youngest. their father, Thoiba is an officer and their mother, Mani is a teacher. Their grandparents, Tomba and Sana are affectionate and always tell stories to them. It is a lovely family and they are all deeply attached to their home.

Q2. Poverty is responsible for many people being left homeless.
Write on poverty and homelessness.

Ans: Many people in this world cannot even afford a house to live in. They lead a miserable life. Poverty is a curse on them. We all need to work together to help those people overcome poverty so that there are no more homeless people. Only then, we can make our world a better place to live in.


  1. He is studying in the first standard.
  2. We want to promote our sporting talents.
  3. Parents are affectionate towards their children.
  4. she is fond of dancing.
  5. My friends wake up early in the morning.
  6. I feel comfortable in my cotton shirt.
  7. He is watching a football match.
  8. She is studying so, don’t disturb her.
  9. He is working hard to achieve success.
  10. We can remove poverty from society.


  1. Friend
  2. College
  3. Kitchen
  4. Street
  5. School


  1. All are correct
  2. Magician
  3. Sweeper


The word standard has two syllables:
Break up the following words into syllables as shown in the example above and read them aloud.



  1. Pro-mo-tion.
  2. Hand-loom
  3. Hand-i-craft
  4. Af-fec-tion-ate
  5. Grand-mother
  6. Hap-pi-ness
  7. Re-mem-ber
  8. Ex-ploi-ta-tion
  9. Res-pon-si-ble
  10. Free-ly
  11. Tel-e-vi-sion
  12. Sep-a -rate
  13. So-ci-e-ty
  14. Lan-guage


IndiaKabui Keioiba


Common Noun

  1. Standard
  2. Brother
  3. Bird
  4. People
  5. World

Proper noun

  1. Mani
  2. India
  3. Kabui Keioiba

Collective noun

  1. Family
  2. Number

Abstract noun

  1. Promotion
  2. Happiness
  3. Poverty
  4. Love
  5. Tradition
  6. Combination
  7. Warmth
  8. Curse


Proper NounAbstract Noun
Kabui KeioibaHappiness

Ans: Material noun

For a sentence in the present continuous tense, the verb takes the -ing form. Here is an example of the verb ‘study’
study+ing= studying


  1. Promote+ing= Promoting
    He is promoting his upcoming movie
  2. Teach+ing= Teaching
    She is teaching Maths.
  3. Tell+ing= Telling
    I am telling the truth
  4. Keep+ing= Keeping
    She is keeping everything neat and clean
  5. Walk+ing= Walking
    I am walking to my office
  6. Live+ing= Living
    he is living with his family
  7. Build+ing= Building
    A bird is building its nest
  8. Watch+ing= Watching
    They are watching television
  9. Work+ing= Working
    She is working very hard
  10. Put+ing= Putting
    She is putting the waste into a bin.

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